Natives are likely to have clearly defined ambitions and the ability to achieve them. Effects of Pluto in 1st House 1- You are strong-willed, courageous, self-sufficient, and love throws your weight around if Pluto is in your first house. Usually, it gifts a beautiful appearance in general. Its how you deal with the unknown that sets you apart. For example, if you have your ascendant in Scorpio, it will make for a powerful and secretive personality. Initial instincts may be protective, aggressive, and action-oriented. Answer (1 of 6): The true meaning of Pluto's influence on your chart is something known astrologically as "Plutonian syndrome." The stronger Pluto is in your natal chart, the more "Plutonian" you are. Pluto in 1st House synastry can lead to very difficult family relationships, especially if Pluto is active in one of the spouses natal chart: for example, if the wife works with large numbers of people as a TV presenter, or the husband's profession is related to atomic physics, war, secrecy, etc. Pluto in the 1st House Moreover, the individual can dramatically change life directions which will be reflected in changes of hairstyle, clothing and even relationships. Ive been seductively seduced my entire life and accused of only wanting sex and now I know why due to my research on the planet and it being in scorpio. Back to topBack to planets table of contents. When the aspects of Uranus are good, you will experience many events that seem lucky, and if the aspects are negative, you will experience quite a lot of bad luck. I will tell more about how each planet will alter a persons appearance a little later. Appearance: Saturn gives a downcast look, small and sometimes dark eyes, often dark circles around eyes. They usually get prophetic dreams. Hi simona! ).Soon I will be able to get your help astrologically ! As well as the 1st house, Sun and Moon; as they all have an affect on our looks in an overall way - especially Sun. The first house tells about your physical body, your physical appearance and personal style, the first impression you make and how you appear in other people's eyes when they meet you. That is, they are very skilled, valorous, communicative, and active. advertisement advertisement In horary astrology, a branch of astrology that uses horoscopes to answer all sorts of questions, the first house signifies the masses, a general state of the country about which the inquiry is made. My moon is in my first house and I actually have the worst mental health and found I cant work some day and etc. (Self discipline has always been my biggest weakness.. its even in my chart! Therefore, you should definitely use this influence of Jupiter to the fullest to become completely independent. Taurus Rising Sign & Venus in Taurus Self-acceptance is important if you want to be at peace with yourself. He is likely to get smarter faster than other children and achieve great heights in his career very quickly. The more control we exert over ourselves, the fiercer the internal struggle for authenticity. You desire power in your hands, not someone elses. You are likely to study many subjects so that you are considered knowledgeable and admired by others. They usually want to be liked by everyone and suffer greatly if someone dislikes them. (Angelina Jolie has her Venus at the end of the Twelfth House, which means that its qualities are carried over into the first house as its very close to it.). 4- You may be compassionate and empathetic while still standing firm in your convictions. This placement can indicate involvement with criminals or even the commission of violent crimes in extreme cases. This will also allow them to understand and feel the boundaries of their personalities and to understand who they are much more than by being surrounded and attuned to the people around them. It gifts beautiful eyes, round and plump face, voluminous hair. If its Libra, it gifts a beautiful appearance. Pluto in the 1st house is about self-discovery, and the person experiences a rebirth of raw potential, will-power and restructuring of the personality. Great sensitivity to the people and the environment could be a blessing too; if you strive to spend time in the environments that you like or be with or watch the videos of the people who have excellent characters, you will take on those pleasant qualities. Appearance: Neptune close to the ascendant in the first house in astrology gives the native hypnotic and dreamy eyes. Your goal is to avoid getting your back up more than necessary and view life as a battlefield. When youre in a new situation, your first instinct is to be brave and determined, to be defensive and intense. It can give a high forehead, large eyes, as well as the tendency of baldness in later age in men. People have differing perspectives, each more damaging than the last, but this will not last long. It's a potent outlet. It connotes who somebody is; their identity. Isabell. Your concern is falling behind and not being able to keep up. Pluto in the 1st house is about self-discovery, and the person experiences a rebirth of raw potential, will-power and restructuring of the personality. They are also very intuitive and can predict what will happen in certain situations. The 1st house revolves around the Self. Behavior: You are likely to be moody and emotional, but this isnt always the case because it depends on which sign the moon is placed in. He is also likely to crave admiration and then get unhappy that he doesnt receive it, not understanding that admiration has to be earned. Pluto in the 1st House You actually embody what Pluto is all about. Pluto is associated with a profound, instinctive reaction, intensity, extreme emotions, and instinctive reaction. But here, I should only note that when it comes to Mercury, its greatly influenced by any other planet near it, to the point that it takes the other planets qualities completely. 1- You are strong-willed, courageous, self-sufficient, and love throws your weight around if Pluto is in your first house. A natal Pluto in the first house denotes a fiery, passionate person with a commanding presence. Since Jupiter is the planet of higher learning, law, and religion, natives with such a placement might take great interest in any of these subjects. The quality of the last years of a persons life can be seen by assessing the fourth house, whilst the way that one will die the Eighth. Without looking at your chart I cannot say for sure, because it also depends on the aspects. These people are enigmatic, strange, and challenging to comprehend. It is also important to remember that astrology and rulership isn't something that is stilted or 100% clearly defined, it all works together and flows together - like how Leo rules the heart but Aquarius rules the circulatory . (Meanwhile, Im still sitting here stuck Im no good at getting myself into a position of self employment. And neptune, uranus(pisces) and mars(pisces) in the first house.. but also.. a virgo stellium (sun,mercury,venus,jupiter) but i feel like i dont really relate to virgo at all (just.. the perfectionist and detail oriented thing) but other than that.. no, i dont think so.. am i trippin? So, for example, instead of seeing the whole picture, they will focus on some small thing they consider unattractive in their appearance. However, Neptune encourages you to dissolve the ego so that there are no boundaries between the Self and the environment. The 1st house belongs to the triangle of righteousness in which the condition of a planet speaks about the dignity of a person. I can definitely see that! Their aura is powerful and consuming without them putting forth any effort. You rarely accept what is visible or on the surface of things; instead, you comb through situations for any concealed knowledge. The roles both actresses choose reflect Pluto perfectly- dealing with death, sexual trauma, pain . The first house corresponds to the way we present ourselves in the world, the first thing others see about us, our personality and often our physical appearance. 7- Forgive and forget, and dont dwell on perceived or genuine slights. It may gift a long nose and beautiful eyes. Your magnetism is conscious if your conjunction is in the 1st house, while its unconscious in the 12th house. You tend to be polite and sensitive to others, which wins friends. People with Pluto in the First House often have an unexplainable magnetic pull. Mars can gift piercing eyes, confident countenance, fearless and active disposition. Appearance: Mercury gives a straight, lean, tall body; high forehead, narrow, and long face. Pluto in the first house denotes zeal and determination. Switching our attention to the appearance now, these people often leads to a non-traditional physical appearance. You have now discovered astrology! In relationships, physical affection and the feeling of safety is very important. If Uranus is in your first house, people think you to be totally unpredictable because you are! Their explosive intensity manifests either positively or negatively. One of the positive aspects of these people is that they rarely waste time with small talk or uncertainties. 10- Nikola Tesla, Born Thursday, July 10, 1856, Smiljan, Croatia. They will not like to find themselves alone for a longer period of time. This relationship has the potential to profoundly transform you, allowing you to address issues that are deep within you but that you would typically avoid. Pluto in the first house people are the kind of people who walk into a room- and the air changes. For some who have this placement, the world is not seen as a safe place, and they keep tight control over themselves and others, so learning to use personal power appropriately is an issue for them. This, on the other hand, adds to their stress, creates emotional tension, and makes life unworthy of living. I gotta say the description of pluto in Scorpio is spot on lol. Those with Pluto in the 1st house often have an intense gaze and powerful persona, and these people are intensely aware of themselves. Or it appears that way to you- things just don't turn out the way you think they will/should all the time. Pluto in the fifth house of astrology. This gives you a powerful presence and a magnetic intensity, as well as an acute and even obsessive self-consciousness, because it's your own identity and image itself that is undergoing a process of transformation. They will only be able to take control of their lives if they can satisfy this need. For a time this was source of inner conflict for me. When transit Pluto is in your first house, you can reclaim control of your life and refuse to give it to anyone else. We see this in the celebrities below. Its tough to find very bad Jupiterians, but afflicted Jupiter may make one a spendthrift. Lilith in a First House. If Saturn has bad aspects or is in a disagreeable sign, its likely that childhood was very difficult and unhappy.