This was the same motivation of Margaret Sanger, the Patron Demon of Planned Parenthood. Society. Hall of Shame-14-year-old Foster Child, Lawsuit: Chinese Adoptee Sues Adoptive parents, How Could You? RELATED STORIES Mary Wagner to seek counsel for upcoming court hearings Tough road' ahead for Mary Wagner, warns Crown attorney Mary Wagner arrested again while counselling woman inside Toronto abortion clinic What launched Mary Wagner's radical decision to risk jail for the unborn? "Wall of Shame" ( German: Schandmauer) is a phrase that is most commonly associated with the Berlin Wall. Delinquent Children There are no hatchet jobs in . Get the F*ck Off Our Field (Kent State Women's Field Hockey Scandal) View Episode. One of the experts from MR actually traveled to my home where she prepped me for my custody hearings. Social Networks It is clear that the story of my familys person circumstances will continue to be public and that there is no concern by those about the impact this will have especially on my grandchildren, Payne wrote in his letter to Daniels. Only after the ethics complaint did Judge Watkins recused himself from the case. Other Religious Personalities 1. In the so-called Aktion T-4 program, the government sanctioned the killing of thousands of orphans and mentally ill and disabled patients in the care of the state who were considered life unworthy of life. Six inmates filed suit in the U.S. District Court in Newark against Sussex County Sheriff Robert Untig, the Sussex freeholder board, and the State of New Jersey claiming that they were subjected to days of solitary confinement in sewage flooded cells. Database of Protective Mothers who have lost custody of their Children to Domestic Terrorists and have their stories published. Image 1 of 68. . One day Heather will get what she deserves. Lille, the Capital. Therefore, in fairness to my family and to all my fellow co-workers at DCS, I resign effective today., Governor Daniels has asked DCS Chief of Staff John Ryan to serve as director of the department. You have NEVER been held accountable for the horrible things you have done to your own children. He didnt even let it go to trial so that an unborn baby could be defended in court, she said. Judge Blackshaw, CA Judge Lawrence P.Best, CA Judge Alexander Martinez, CA Judge Jose Alva, CA Judge Joseph Brannigan, CA Judge Eugeina Eyherabide, CA Judge Joyce Cram, CA Judge Christopher Bowen, CA Judge Alksne, CA Pro-tem judge Rita Topalian, CA Judge Christopher Marshall, CA Judge Dale Wells, CA Judge Robert Amador, CA Judge Kathleen White, CA Many Flemish influences remain from that period, especially . Ascencion Duarte Reyes aka Diego Gonzales. Recently Ginsburg stated, Over a generation of young women have grown up, understanding they can control their own reproductive capacity, and in fact their lifes destiny. 3 likes. She said the baby usually saves the gymnastics for night-time, but I guess she wanted to praise (God), too! Kansas Supreme Court & Co-conspirators Thursday, July 1th, 2010 The Kansas Supreme Court & their Co-conspirators (prosecutors and the Kathleen Sebelius administration) are inducted into the Hall of Shame for their attempts to halt Kansas Attorney General Phill Klines investigation of possible crimes by Planned Parenthood, turning the media against him, and attempting to end his legal career. This is another example of the growing anti-Christian sentiment overshadowing North America, that affects more than culture, but laws and judicial decisions. Hall of Shame By Mark Gauvreau Judge Published 3/8/2006 12:06:40 AM At the risk of being immodest, I have a proposal for major league baseball that could help repair its reputation: let my grandfather into the Hall of Fame. Contact Judge Stephen G. Barrata one Nation, under God, with Liberty and JUSTICE for All. #7. 30.6M . John Payne alleged that Heather Payne often left the children on their own for hours, and said the oldest, a 13-year-old, was responsible for watching the others. In May this year, a report published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that over 30% of reported euthanasia cases in one region of Belgium were carried out without the consent of the patient. Include the URL (if web-based) where the image comes from. HHJ Prince. Case Study #3: Microsoft Office 2007 Ribbon 10:33. They are still calling for the inspector general to complete an investigation to determine whether or not any wrongdoing occurred.. In listening to the video recording of the hearing, it is perfectly clear in our mind that Judge Watkins should be removed from the bench because of his anger issues and utterly unprofessional behavior that goes way beyond the pale. Hall of Shame-Massachusetts DCF, How Could You? These oath breaking offenders have been acting with favour and ill-will to prevent corrupt freemason lawyers from being prosecuted, or otherwise, have acted in such a dire, unconstitutional way as to constitute a beach of their judicial oath. Hosting provided by . Hall of Shame Nominee: JUDGE STEPHEN G. BARATTA COMING SOON I think its hilarious that all of the crimes that you say that John and James Payne have committed was actually you. The Indianapolis Star story questioned Paynes involvement in a case stemming from a 2009 divorce filing by Heather Payne against John Payne, the directors son, 10 days after her husband was arrested for drunken driving. Hall of Shame Classic.mp4 download. The caller, who is not named in recordsexamined by The Star, reported that Heather Payne left thechildren who ranged in age from 5 to 13 home alone and washeaded to Ohio.. Stop your bs and accept that you are and will always be an insane cold hearted female. If you are unfortunate enough to be placed before one, remember, they have no standing to hear your case, and any order they may try and make, is void ab initio, founded by ultra vires acts. Hall of Shame Showcases those who have offended the Christian ethic. The retired Illinois social worker who was then put in charge of the hitting/slappinginvestigation was being overseen by the Deputy Attorney General, who did not know specifics of DCS investigations and his chain of command included Judge Payne. Hall of Shame HOS. I couldnt have done it without the Mothers ReVolution. Protective Mother Sandy Denmark, My rich abusive ex-husband, judicially kidnapped our son after an International Hague Convention Case. In 2003, the Netherlands became the first country in the world after the downfall of the Nazi regime to legalize euthanasia. Hage has done, and as best as we can tell he merely expressed his First Amendment rights and talked to a reporter, Judge Watkins behavior disqualifies him, in our opinion, as an officer of justice. It was you who didnt realize and will never realize the false things youre saying were never true and they never will be. Oh the Dukas and steele loserville. Many of the companies with the worst customer service, however, are still market leaders and manage to maintain impressive profit margins. Mayors, governors, Chicago aldermen, judges -- they've all had legal problems over the years. Heather Payne sought and received a protective order and custody of their four children, including two fathered by John Payne. Database of Protective Mothers and Children who lost their lives due to Domestic Terrorism. Database of Judges who intentionally interfered with Motherhood and caused Protective Mothers to lose custody of their kids to Domestic Terrorists. Boushy and Browne also said the judge's questioning of Wagner as to whether she would obey the law, when she had chosen to exercise her right to remain silent, was improper. Landlord is a lousy liar! Payne helped his sons lawyer draft a legal brief critical of his own agencys work when DCS decided to give the children back to their mother, the newspaper reported. Although Chancellor Angela Merkel has previously stated that she opposes any form of assisted suicide, the decision was welcomed by her government. It is he who has a conviction for assaulting his first wife. Iowa Judge Michael Hupper Thursday, July 1th, 2010 Judge Michael Hupper is inducted into the Hall of Shame for his decision to strike down Iowas abortion law banning a woman from obtaining an abortion once a fetus heartbeat is detected, saying it violated the states constitution. How Could You? Case Study #5: Taxes and Tickets 17:39. The purported judges listed in our Judicial Hall of Shame have been independently investigated to establish that they have acted in a way which vitiates their positions in judicial office. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Thursday, July 1th, 2010 U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg is inducted into our Hall of Shame for her support of eugenics and abortion. A DCS case worker took the children into protective custody and placed them with Payne and his wife. How pathetic a life you must lead. "Norton360 isn't the only antivirus product installing cryptominers. If I do recall. Read about embezzlers and others who broke the rules The Hall of Shame is searchable - enter the name of a person, city, state, or other attribute in the box below. The only reason that you went on to have more kids with him was because you tracked him down and lied to him claiming that Caitlin was his but she in-fact was not. My children never lived with the Paynes for 2 years prior to 2010. Lenexa police examined and rejected the claim. There is a cure for corruption and that is, transparency. The Hall of Shame has become one of my most popular pages, but not everyone appreciates it. Hall of Shame Favorite.mp4 download. Circuit Court of Appeals, indicating that such laws were unconstitutional. William Watkin, West Virginia Judge Thursday, July 1th, 2010 West Virginia Judge, William Watkins is inducted into our Hall of Shame for going berserk on the bench, berating and threatening (with abuse of power) Rev. It was you three who constantly made unsubstantiated, false allegations that you never proved true and were never held accountable for because of James connections. Government I now finally have sole physical custody of my youngest daughter! Here is a report from the Miami Sun Sentinel. Hall of Shame -Dwayne and Pam Hardy-UPDATED, How Could You? Heather testified that she met John in a strip club, where she was working, and he was a regular. The judge did suspend the sentence after pressure from the petition. Businesses and Organizations Even if Rev. Yes courtesy of a kleptocracy of fellow criminal offenders in governance, all of the purported judges in our Hall of Shame remain in office to continue defrauding innocent civilians. Hall of Shame for sure! JESSICA RECKSIEDLER ENTERS HALL OF SHAME! Let's make an official SOA phony list: These are scumbags identified by SOA or friendly, identifiable allies who help us track down phonies . In a lengthy tirade, Justice S. Ford Clements had ripped Mary Wagner for what he saw as her cowardly attempt to speak to abortion-bound women inside the Bloor West Village Women's Clinic, an abortion facility. Catholic Personalities Heather was the terrible parent. He never notified Daniels of his involvement in the case or that he, at one point, was the target of an investigation, the newspaper reported., Indiana Child Welfare Head Resigns after ethics issue surfaces, [Chicago Tribune 9/24/12 by Associated Press], The part about the Judges salary of $130,000 being pertinent is that one has to have a low income to qualify for the type of transportation services that he was afforded for visitation. This is 24/7 Wall St.'s customer service hall of shame: Business 24/7 wall st Bank of America Sprint comcast Go To Homepage Before You Go FOX 2 (WJBK) - An Oakland County Circuit Court judge has ruled that Oxford Community Schools employees cannot be sued civilly in the mass . Many of the children faced death by starvation. The Crown has indicated it will oppose her release pending trial, no matter what. I was around for these heinous wrongs done against HEATHER by the PAYNE family and those associated with them. Oh waittttt there was a sexual assault case that occurred that you lost. Judge Payne resigned Monday September 24, 2012 just before 1 PM EST. But the night before that conference call, the children were removed fromtheir mother and placed with their grandparents not by thedivorce court, but by the agency run by Payne. article. If Smith violates those conditions the 60 year sentence will be reinstated. The children were removed from their mothers custody in 2010, after DCS was notified that the children had been left alone while their mother traveled to Ohio. Mar 26, 2007. Judge Stephen G. Barrata | Pennsylvania Court Injustices BAR Assoc. German Court Legalizes Euthanasia By Hilary White BERLIN, June 25, 2010 ( In a surprise move, the German Federal Court of Justice has legalized direct euthanasia, ruling that an attempted direct euthanization of a comatose woman was not unlawful since she had given consent. DCS also released written answers that Payne provided the Star in which he said, It was difficult to see our children and grandchildren go through this matter, and it is nothing short of despicable for The Indianapolis Star to profit from their difficulties. There are many similar sample content placeholders across the store. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Heather Payne sought and received a protective order and custody of their four children, including two fathered by John Payne. Your email address will not be published. We do investigate corrupt judges, and if you, or anyone you know has been affected my one, get in touch with us today and we will investigate. Pellentesque nulla eros accumsan quis justo at tincidunt lobortis deli denimes, suspendisse vestibulum lectus in lectus volutpate. In the case of former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, convicted Monday on charges of bribery, Judge David Rozen's well-polished verdict is also a severe indictment against anyone who ever voted for or supported Olmert and his ilk, anyone who saw his acquittal in other cases as a stamp of approval allowing him to return to political life, and anyone Home Standards of Evaluation Title Index of Inductees Why We Do This? Trilla Bahrke, CAJudge Suzanne Gazzaniga, CAJudge Christine Carringer, CAJudge Linda Miller, CAJudge Sherri Honer, CAJudge David Belz, CAJudge Commissioner Elizabeth Hendrickson, CAReferee Marilyn Mordetsky, CACommissioner Gary G. Bischoff, CAJudge Cindee Mayfield, CAJudge Stephen Acquisto, CAJudge Barry Baskin, CAJudge Pellman, CAJudge Raymond Swope, CAJudge David S Weinberg, CA (retired)Judge Gale Hickman, CA (retired)Judge Jorge Galindo, CAJudge Naughton, CAJudge Cheryl Lenienger, CAJudge John Farrell, CAJudge Haig Kehiayan, CAJudge William MacLaughlin, CAJudge Zakon, CAJudge John H Sugiyama, CAJudge James Towery, CAJudge Mary Ann Grilli, CAJudge Peter J. Siggins, CAJudge Matthew J. Gary, CAJudge Claudia Silbar, CAJudge Vincent Chiarello, CAJudge Martin J. Jenkins, CAJudge Aaron Persky, CAJudge Richard DuBois, CAJudge Erick Larsh, CAJudge Stuart Pollak, CAJudge Heather D Morse, CA (retired)Judge Jeff Almquist, CAJudge Ichikawa, CA (retired)Judge John Laettner, CA (removed from office for multiple instances of misconduct)Judge Maren Nelson, CAJudge Margaret Johnson (retired)Judge Rosen, CAJudge Brenda Penny, CAJudge Joni Hiramoto, CAJudge Wendy McGuire Coats, CAJudge Danette Gomez, CAJudge Richard C. Darwin, CAJudge Don Christian, CAJudge Daniel A. Flores, CAJudge Lee Gabriel, CAJudge Tamara Hall, CAJudge Lawrence Riff, CAJudge Michael Powell, CAJudge Mark Juhas, CAJudge Christine Byrd, CAJudge Alicia Blanco, CAJudge Teresa Beaudet, CAJudge David V.& Herriford, CAJudge Emma Castro, CAJudge Margaret Henry, CAJudge Carla L. Garrett, CA, COLORADOJudge Schmalberger, COMagistrate Westbrook, COMagistrate Pannell, COJudge Gail Meinster, COMagistrate Fitzgerald, COJudge Julie Kunce Fields, COJudge Kandace Gerdes, COJudge Natalie Chase, COJudge Elizabeth Volz, COMagistrate Rebecca Moss, COJudge Patricia Herron, COJudge Randall Arp, COJudge Caryn Datz, COJudge Markenson, COJudge Roberto Ramirez, COJudge Thomas Mulvahil, COJudge Andrew Ross MacDonald, COJudge Denise Brown, COMagistrate Donna Stewart, COJudge Jennifer Torrington, COJudge Kelley R. Southerland, COJudge William Hood, COJudge Patrick Esser, COJudge Gregory Lammons, COJudge Scott Sells, CO, CONNECTICUTJudge Eliot Solomon, CTJudge Simone, CTJudge Sybil Richards, CTJudge Robert Resha, CTJudge Mary Louise Schofield, CTJudge Maureen Murphy, CTJudge Elizabeth Bozzuto, CTJudge Patrick Carroll III, CTJudge Ann Felcito, CTJudge Omar Williams, CTJudge Lynda Munro, CTJudge Mark Taylor, CTJudge Gerald Adelman, CTJudge Constance Epstein, CTJudge Kenefick, CTJudge Emons, CTJudge Dembo, CTJudge Donna Heller, CTJudge William H. Bright, Jr., CTJudge Eric Coleman, CTJudge Leo Diana, CTJudge Jane Grossman, CT, DELAWAREJudge Peter B Jones, DEJudge Kenneth Millman, DEJudge Jammell Ostroski, DE, FLORIDAJudge Thomas T. Remington, FLJudge John J. Gontarek, FLJudge Kevin Michael Moore, FLJudge David Gooding, FLJudge Charles Greene, FLJudge Richard Rothschild, FLJudge Richard Eade, FLJudge Birken, FLJudge Colbath, FLJudge John Phillips, FLJudge Kaplan, FLJudge Ferrin, Bailey, FLJudge John Patrick Contini, FLJudge Elisabeth Adams, FLJudge James Shenko, FLJudge Keith Kyle, FLJudge Keith Cary, FLJudge Lawrence Korda, FLJudge Vincent Torpy, FLJudge Tonya Rainwater, FLJudge, Linda Vitale, FLJudge Jack Hellinger, FLJudge Jeffrey McKibben, FLJudge Marcus Ezelle, FLJudge Catherine Combee, FLJudge Robert M. Foster, FLJudge David C. Miller, FLJudge Michelle Barakat, FLJudge Migna Sanchez Llorens, FLJudge Marcus Ezelle, FLJudge Jeffrey McKibben, FLJudge Dale Cohen, FLJudge Merrilee Erlich, FLJudge Jerry Collins, FLJudge William E. Davis, FLJudge Briggs, FLJudge Mary J Hatcher, FLJudge John Contini, FLJudge Robert B. Meadows, FLJudge Robert B. Belanger, FLJudge S. Sue Robbins, FL (retired)Judge Susan Alspector, FLJudge Bonnie J. Helms, FLJudge Lisa Porter, FLJudge Jennifer J. Johnson, FLJudge Mark E. Feagle, FLJudge Joshua Hawkes, FLJudge Joan Anthony, FLJudge George M. Wright, FLJudge Marcia Caballero, FLJudge Scott Bernstein, FLJudge Martin B. Shapiro, FL (deceased), GEORGIAJudge Sandra Miller, GAJudge Daniel Craig, GAJudge Jane Barwick, GAJudge Wendy Schoob, GAJudge Jack Kirby, GAJudge Chan Caudell, GAJudge Andrew Fuller, GAJudge Martha Christian, GAJudge Michael Annis, GAJudge David Roper, GAJudge Doug Nelson, GAJudge Bensonetta Tipton Lane, GAJudge Belinda E. Edwards, GAJudge Goger, GAJudge Gail Tusan Washington, GAJudge Margaret Dorsey, GA, HAWAIIJudge Mimi DesJardines, HIJudge Simone Polak, HIJudge Lloyd A. Poelman, HI, ILLINOISJudge Francis Mario Martinez, ILJudge Esteban Sanchez, ILJudge Matthew Mauer, ILJudge Edward Arce, ILJudge Raul Vega, ILJudge Thomas Carr, ILJudge David Knutson, ILJudge Asphaug, ILJudge Michael D. McHaney, ILJudge Dalton, ILJudge Grady, ILJudge Kimberly Lewis, ILJudge Michael Reidy, ILJudge Michael A.Fiello, ILJudge Michael Forti, ILJudge Voyland, IL, INDIANAJudge Matt Kincaid, INJudge Andrew Adams, INJudge Traci Cosby, IN, IOWAJudge Jane Spande, IAJudge Constance Cohen, IAJudge Rachel Seymour, IAJudge Christine Dalton Ploof, IAJudge Michael R. Mullins, IA (retired), KANSASJudge Sally Porkney, KSJudge Amy Harth, KSJudge Alan Slater, KSJudge Christine Gyllenborg, KSJudge Kathleen Sloan, KENTUCKYJudge Tyler Gill, KYJudge Sue Carol Browning, KYJudge Richard Woeste, KYJudge Davis, KYJudge Reams, KYJudge Reese, KYJudge M Brent Hall, KYJudge Traci Brislin, KYJudge Kathy Stein, KYJudge Janie McKenzie-Wells, KYJudge Angela Johnson, KY, LOUISIANAJudge Self Bossier, LAJudge Nakisha Erwin Knott, LAJudge James P. Jim Dorthery Jr., LAJudge Bernadette DSouza, LAJudge Stephen D. Enright, LAJudge Hans J. Liljeberg, LAJudge Rowan, LAJudge Klees, LAJudge Mary Clemence Devereux, LAHearing Officer Paul Weidig, LAJudge Donald A. Rowan, LAJudge Cashe, LA, MAINEJudge Keith Powers, MEJudge Peter Goranites, MEJudge Dan Driscoll, MEJudge Michael Cantera, MEJudge Jeffrey Moskowitz, ME, MARYLANDJudge Cynthia Callahan, MDJudge McCrone, MDJudge Ryon, MDJudge Paul Harris Jr., MD, MASSACHUSETTSJudge Livingston, MA (fired for DCF fraud)Judge Armand Fernandes Jr, MAJudge Menno, MAJudge Gary Nickerson, MAJudge Stanton, MAJudge Scandurra, MAJudge Terry, MA (retired)Judge Lisa Roberts, MAJudge Virginia Ward, MAJudge Douglas Gray, MAJudge Riley, MAJudge Melanie Gargas, MAJudge Carol A. Erskine, MAJudge John P. Cronin, MA, MICHIGANJudge David L. Clabuesch, MIJudge William Marietti, MIJudge Donald McLennan, MIJudge Scott Pavalich, MIJudge Maria Barton, MIJudge Frank Szymanski, MIJudge Charles Goodman, MIJudge Brennan, MIJudge Zemaitis, MIJudge Connie M. Kelley, MIJudge Lisa Gorcyca, MIJudge Judy Hartsfield, MIJudge Christopher Dingell, MIJudge Benjamin Bolser, MIJudge Michelle Bianchi, MIJudge Michael Smith, MIJudge Kent D Engle, MIJudge Cheryl Matthews, MIJudge Julie McDonald, MIJudge Karen McDonald, MIJudge Lisa L. Langton, MIJudge Mary Ellen Brennan, MIJudge Victoria Valentine, MIJudge Jacob J. Cunningham, MIJudge Shalina Kumar, MIJudge Justus C. Scott, MIJudge Patricia Gardner, MIJudge Ron Schafer, MIJudge Suzanne Hoseth Kreeger, MIReferee Jessica Wierckz, MIJudge Patrick J. Conlin, Jr., MIJudge Michael P.Higgins, MI, MINNESOTAJudge Conrad I. Freeberg, MNJudge Douglas P. Anderson, MNJudge Kris H. Davick-Halfen, MNJudge David L. Knutson, MNJudge Paul Rassmuson, MNJudge Donna Dixon, MNJudge Todd W. Westphal, MNJudge Allison Krehbiel, MNJudge Robert Docherty, MNJudge William Koch, MNJudge Michael Mayer, MNJudge Tim D. Wermager, MNJudge Janet L. Barke Cain, MNJudge Erica MacDonald, MNJudge William H. Leary III, MNFamily Court Officer Scott Simpson, MNJudge Gary Schurrer, MNReferee Earl F. Beddow Jr., MNJudge Stephanie Beckman, MNJudge Bethany Fountain Lindberg, MNJudge Patrick Roben, MNJudge Christine Long, MNJudge Frederick L. Grunke, MNReferee Holly Knight in Hennepin County, MNJudge Andrew Robert Pearson, MNJudge Michael F. Fetsch, MN (deceased)JudgeMatthewQuinn, MN, MISSISSIPIJudge James Walker, MSJudge Sarah Liddy, MS, MISSOURIJudge Ralph Jaynes, MOJudge Aaron Koeppen, MOJudge Bruce Colyer, MOJudge Hayden, MOJudge Steve Jackson, MOJudge Larry Winfrey, MOJudge Stan Moore, MOJudge David Mobly, MOJudge Welch, MOJudge Wendy Wexler Horn, MOJudge Sandy Martinez, MOJudge Nicole Zellweger, MOJudge Virginia Lay, MOJudge Michael Burton, MOJudge Victoria M. McKee, MOJudge Bruce F. Hilton, MOJudge David Lee Vincent, III, MOJudge Moody, MOJudge Mark Preyer, MO, MONTANAJudge Lauren Tucker, MTJudge Holly Brown, MT, NEVADAJudge Rena Hughes, NVJudge Linda Marquis, NVJudge Gamble, NVJudge Young, NVJudge Rena Hughes, NV, NEW HAMPSHIREJudge Alice Love, NHJudge Julie Introcaso, NHJudge Robert Foley, NHJudge Edwin Kelly, NHJudge Weaver, NHJudge David Lefrancois, NHJudge Kimberly Chabot, NHJudge Philip Cross, NH, NEW JERSEYJudge Sam Murray, NJJudge James Guida Jr., NJJudge Gerald C. Escala, NJJudge William R. DeLorenzo, NJNancy Sivilli, NJJudge Gerald Escala, NJJudge Chell, NJJudge Lougy, NJJudge Angela White Dalton, NJJudge Jeff Nash, NJ, NEW MEXICOJudge Mary Rosner, NMJudge Gerard Lavelle, NMJudge Jane Shuler Gray, NMJudgeAbigail P.Aragon, NM, NEW YORKJudge Julie Campbell, NYJudge Marion O Mizel, NYJudge Anthony McGinty, NYJudge Esther Morgenstern, NYJudge Marianne Furfure, NYJudge Carol Sherman, NYJudge Dandrea Rhuleman, NYJudge Gerard Maney, NYReferee Roslyn Ebrahimoff, NYReferee Marilyn Moriber, NYJudge William P. Warren, NYJudge Scott Ugell, NYJudge Rolf Thorsen, NYReferee Dean Richardson, NYJudge Hope Schwartz Zimmerman, NYJudge John Sherman, NYJudge Sarah Schechter, NYJudge Anna B. Culley, NYJudge Anthony McGinty, NYJudge Nesser, NYJudge Amodeo, NYJudge Bernard Cheng, NYJudge Joseph H. Lorintz, NYJudge William Kent III, NYJudge Sharon Gianelli, NYJudge Lori Currier Woods, NYJudge Ellen Greenberg, NYJudge Patrick F. MacRae, NYJudge Melody Glover, NYJudge Mark H. FandrichJudge Ann M. Donnelly, NYJudge Robert M. Levy, NYJudge Arlene Katz, NYJudge Nancy Quinn-Koba, NYJudge Howard Code, NYJudge Janet Malone, NY, NORTH CAROLINAJudge Angela Puckett, NCJudge Brad Allen Reid, Jr, NCJudge Burford Cherry, NCJudge Christine M. Walczyk, NCJudge Monica M. Bousman, NCJudge Toni King, NCJudge Michelle Fletcher, NCJudge Angela Foster, NCJudge Joe Buckner, NCJudge: Beth Heath, NJudge Beverly Scarlett, NCJudge Tim Finan, NCJudge Caron Stewart, NCJudge Scott Ussery, NCJudge Stanley Peele, NCJudge Mack Brittain, NCJudge Gary Henderson, NCJudge Melinda Crouch, NCJudge Patricia Stanford Hunt Love, NCJudge Sean Smith, NCJudge McCallum, NCJudge Paige McThenia, NC, OHIOMagistrate Gregory Millas, OHJudge Debra Boros, OHJudge Linda Kate, OHJudge Michelle Arredondo, OHJudge Michael Ryan, OHMagistrate Brenda Dunlap, OHJudge Patrick Fisher, OHJudge Patrick Dewine, OHJudge Jon H Sieve, OHJudge Michael Howard, OH (retired)Judge Heather Cockley, OHJudge Costine, OHJudge Daniel Padden, OHMagistrate Marcia Hollins, OHJudge David Ellwood, OHJudge Leonard Holzapfel, OHJudge John Henry Sieve, OHJudge Mark Wall, Butler County, OHJudge Solomon Oliver, Jr., OHJudge Danny J. Boggs, OHJudge David W. McKeague, OHJudge Jeffrey S. Sutton, OHJudge Alice M. Batchelder, OHJudge Deborah L. Cook, OHJudge Raymond M. Kethledge, OHJudge Amul R. Thapar, OHJudge John K. Bush, OHJudge Joan L. Larsen, OHJudge John B. Nalbandian, OHJudge Timothy Grendell, OHJudge David Niehaus, OH (deceased)Judge Diane M. Palos, OHJudge Monica Hawkins, OH, OKLAHOMAJudge Barry Hafar, OKJudge Howard Haralson, OKJudge Lisa Hammond, OKJudge Pandee Ramirez, OKJudge Michael C. Smith, OKJudge Martha Oakes, OKJudge Emily Mueller, OKJudge Z. Joseph Young, OKJudge Kurt Glassco, OKJudge Theresa Dreiling, OK, OREGONJudge Deanne Darling, ORJudge Ronald Grensky, ORJudge Steven Price, ORJudge Philip Mendiguren, OR (retired)Judge Alta Brady, ORJudge Susan Svetsky, ORJudge Cory Woodward, OR (retired)Judge Susan Tripp, ORJudge R. Curtis Conover, ORJudge LockeA. Williams, OR, PENNSYLVANIAJudge Scott Lash, PAJudge James Bucci, PAJudge Joseph Leahy, PAJudge Douglass Reichley, PAJudge Norman Krumenacker, PAJudge J. Hoburg, PAJudge Gary Norton, PAJudge Shawely, PAJudge John E. Dornalakes, PAJudge James M. McMaster, PAJudge Donald Walko, PAJudge Vincent Johnson, PAJudge Kelley Streib, PAJudge Jennifer Lynn Rodgers, PAJudge James Bloomsburg, PAJudge McCoy, PAJudge Koestal, PAJudge Younge, PAJudge Peter W. Schmehl, PAJudge Eshelman, PAJudge Michele A. Varricchio, PAJudge Jeffrey Trauger, PAJudge Wendy Demchick-Alloy, PAJudge Linda Rovder Fleming, PAJudge George W. Wheeler, PAJudgeJoseph M.Walsh III, PAJudge Robert L. Boyer, PAJudge Ann Marie Wheatcraft, PAJudge James P. MacElree, PAJudge David F. Bortner, PAMaster Rich Lombardi, PAJudge Kenneth W. Seamans, PAJudge.
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